Cynical Pink: Yami Was Never So Bad
Snow Calligohn
Insanity Inc.
Secretary's Desk
Non-sad bish in snow....

Title: Snow Calligohn
Tools: White watercolor paper, medium brush, Prang Non-toxic(my teacher wouldn't let me choke Gideon with toxic ones) watercolors
Gideon: 10, you're improving on coloring?! O_O
Maye-Lihn: 10, Callie-chan is soo bish...X_X<k'oed>
Mines: 10, and what the heck is that suppose to mean, Gideon?!
Completed: 4/3/03 1:39:28 P.M.
Comments: Ah, I decided to do something different for a change, like maybe a watercolor or two. I thought this one turned out pretty good, and I had to practically beg my teacher for this picture back; she just wouldn't give it up XD
Anyways, I do plan to do more watercolors since I have my own set now ^_^