Cynical Pink: Yami Was Never So Bad
Insanity Inc.
Secretary's Desk
Angelic Fight! Gizmo, show us what you're made of!

Title: Gizmo
Tools: White divider, blue Papermate pen
Gideon: 9, I like how puffy his hair looks
Maye-Lihn: 10, Hehehe, Gizmo-chan looks like Rodney from our 12th grade year, remember?? ^^
Mines: 9, Holy crap, he does look like Rodney O_O
Completed: 4/5/02 5:16:19 A.M.
Comments: I decided since after drawing a crapload of Angelic Layer scribbles that I'd start to draw and gradually form my own angel. And thus, Gizmo was spawned, and he does kinda look like my 12th grade buddy O.o;; I dunno how that happened, maybe I just miss the big dorkus too much XD Likewise, this is not too shabby, too bad it's drawn on a divider XD