Cynical Pink: Yami Was Never So Bad
Kurapika (Pikako)
Insanity Inc.
Secretary's Desk

Pikako! ^_^

Title: Kurapika(Pikako)
Tools: 8 1/2 X 11' white paper, Crayola colored pencils, "H" type drawing pencil
Completed:5/26/03 2:35:36 P.M.
Gideon: 10, I still like Killua and Leorio :P
Maye-Lihn: 10, Kurapika is soo kawaii!! The coloring here is amazing, Cutter-dono, you're getting better and better ^_^
Mines: 10, well at least one of the other's comments was nice <glares at Gideon>
Comments: Upon visitin Inma and Akane-chan's Cursed Moons website, I came upon a HunterXHunter character that really deserves some cheek-pinching: Kurapika. I thought he was just too cute, so I drew him and as a present, gave it to Inma and Akane for giving me inspiration. I haven't drawn a whole lotta things outta Cynical Pink and what not, so I really needed that little extra boost. Arigatou! ^_^