Cynical Pink: Yami Was Never So Bad
Stigma Shubaltz
Insanity Inc.
Secretary's Desk

" Live life to the-hey, is that an airplane?"

Greetings ^_^

Name: Stigma Shubaltz
Alias: Shubaltz, Shubbie by Ives
Age: 27
Height: 6'3
Weight: 300.2 Lbs.
DOB: July 5, 4997
Ethnicity: American
Eye Color: Glassy white
Hair Color: Yellowish-brownish
Likes: Deep thinking, hanging out with Ives, green tea and mint cookies
Dislikes: Being bothered, getting angry, undisciplined people
Family: Younger sister Akila Stanhole( 19)
Hobbies: Reading books, writing poems
 Shubaltz defines the whole " blondes are dumb" scenario, being the most oblivious person in "Cynacil Pink". Unaware of the world around him, Shubaltz has become a somewhat " working rurouni", taking on the job as a chemist in the building. He loves to be around Ives, almost being his permanent father and helping the young one in experiments with Rosso.
 Shubaltz's younger sister, Akila, is his own true treasure in life, being she's the only person left of his family. He takes care of her in her times of need, especially watching out for her getting ill because of her weak immune system. Shubaltz once joined the Dightskoom mafia, only to pay for years of Akila's medical insurance. There he learned to wield a double-barreled handgun, a favorite of his even after he left the mafia. After paying for all of his dear sister's medical bills, he sent dear Akila to London for music school, in hope to have her escape the " cruel urban society known as 'Freedom'".
 Shubaltz never opens his eyes, being his only shield from reality. The reason he keeps his eyes shut is to control a long anger from his mafia days that he just can't seem to control. Despite his closed windows, he can pretty much see very well; how he's able to do this is unknown. One reason might be he has ESP, but Rosso doubts this because of the American's stupidity. Shubaltz teaches us all that being oblivious is only half the fun ^_^