Cynical Pink: Yami Was Never So Bad
Ives Cunningham
Insanity Inc.
Secretary's Desk

" Love and peace! Oh wait, that's already taken....^^;;"

Hehe ^-^

Name: Ives Cunningham
Alias: Squirt by Shadow, Little One by Shubaltz
Age: 12
Height: 3'0
Weight:120.3 Lbs.
DOB: January 12, 5012
Ethnicity: British with a little Cheokee Indian heritage
Eye Color: Royal blue
Hair Color: Wheat, long and puffy
Likes: PB&J with graham charckers, Poppu Soda, hanging with Shubaltz and Rosso
Dislikes: Shadow's explosive temper, being called "squirt", paperwork on Mondays
Family: Unknown
Hobbies: Coloring, playing video games, hacking into computers
 Ives is genki, chibi, funny, everything you would want in one little cute package. He is very mature for his age, and tends to sometimes end up the smart one in situations, next to Rhadamanthus. Witty and a genius in electronics and data analysis, Ives is heavily relied on to complete a hacking job or to repair a cryogenic's boulic chamber.
 Little is known about Ives's past life, although he was also a victim of the Yakuzo mafia. He was forced to work for the syndicate for money, since his parents had abandoned him in a warehouse. By going under the teaching of a kind-hearted priest named Zatahn, he soon learned to cope with life and start over. After aquiring his hacking skills, he ran away from the mafia to be with Zatahn and to "cleanse his soul". He ended up leaving Zatahn, but every now and then visits the priest and enjoys his company once more.
  Ives, as mentioned earlier, is extremely mature for a boy his age. Shadow seems to pester the young boy about this, calling him "squirt" and using him as a stepping stone. But in the end, Ives sticks to Shadow as his right-hand "boy", helping to come up with quick-fight strategies and supporting him with Rhadamanthus.