Cynical Pink: Yami Was Never So Bad
Savantes De Sable
Insanity Inc.
Secretary's Desk

"Le réalité et toi, vous ne vous entendez pas, n'est-ce pas?"
(Reality and you don't hit on, do they?)

Name: Savantes De Sable
Alias: Sabre
Age: 24
Height: 5'7
Weight: 180 Lbs.
DOB: November 25, 4999
DOD(Date of Death): September 13, 5024
Ethnicity: French
Eye Color: Olive green
Hair Color: Navy blue
Likes: Shadow's company, working for Hallen, tea and oatmeal cookies
Dislikes: Working on weekends, interruptions
Family: Older brother, Jack De Sable(29)
Hobbies: Fencing
 Savantes, better known as Sabre, was the very first partner of Shadow, and had one of the greatest impacts on his life. He was a man of very aristocratic backgrounds, and abandoned them all just for the wish of his dying brother. He will do anything for Shadow, being a true and loyal friend to him. He's willing to listen when he needs to and aide those that need it.
 Sabre's older brother, Jack, was loved by all the people in France, and was also his role model. But when his brother suddenly fell ill, he was left to mourn and weep over his suffering brother. Heart disease was the cause of this, and Sabre begged his brother to hang on for a donor to appear soon. Sadly no donor came, and Jack began to slip away. Before leaving, however, Jack asked a favor of his young brother: to go to America and search for his old college friend, Shadow Slightsspearow, and become his partner. Sabre did not understand why his brother asked of such an odd favor, but complied and the two made a deal to write to one another frequently. On July 19, 5002, Sabre met up with Shadow in one of his missions, and they immediatly became the best of friends. He taught the cold-hearted man to be more open and sincere, even if he himself wasn't all that open. On September 13, 5024, Sabre revealed to Shadow of his older brother, Jack, and how he still missed him and was hanging onto a mere thread of life. Shadow was shocked by this, and promised to Sabre that once they had completed the night's mission, he would travel to Paris, France with Sabre and become the donor; this meant giving up his own life for another.
 Shadow's promise was in vain, because on that night, both him and Sabre faced the one man they feared the most: Dante. On the roof was where they battled, and they faced the power of a new weapon, the gauntlet blades. Sabre's injuries consisted of a large gash in his stomach and a missing left eye, but this did not stop him. In a last attempt of faith for his partner, Sabre tossed Shadow off the roof away from harm's reach. As Shadow plummeted into a dumpster, shuriken struck Sabre, knocking him off as well into the japanese's arms. September 13 marked the death of Savantes De Sable, and the beginning of Shadow's darkness.
 Sabre honed some amazing fencing skills, excelling in both saber and epee skills. He was the champion in France, and also was light on his feet, giving him a good advantage against his opponents. In one incident, Sabre demonstrated his excellent saber skills by blocking one of Shadow's most powerful kicks with a thin saber sword. Hadn't Sabre survived and lived on, he would've seen the recovery of his older brother, and the sorrow he had caused Shadow.