Cynical Pink: Yami Was Never So Bad
Sysreq and Shadow
Insanity Inc.
Secretary's Desk
Nice friendship, eh? ^_^;;

Title: Sysreq and Shadow
Tools: Sanford Design Drawing Pencil, 8 1/2X 11 in. white paper
Gideon: 8( I likes the Saturnalia comic, no da )
Maye-Lihn: 9-Sysreq is soo kawaii! You should draw more of these things, Cutter-chan, Shadow's outfit is cool too! We should incoporate it into the next chapter, de gozaru na? ^_^
Mines: 9
Completed: 3/19/03 9:35:19 P.M
Comments: Ah, I love Saturnalia, such a nicely done comic ^_^ And the plot is extremely great, it's got humor intertwined into some real seriousness, involving a war with robots and humans; something that's really popular these days, eh? ^_^ Likewise, I decided to draw the creator of Saturnalia, Space Coyote, a little picture of her main character, Sysreq, and our main character, Shadow Slightsspearow. It came out rather good, I suppose, but I wish it wasn't so darn big, just so you could see Sysreq's christmas tree hair ^_^ Keep up the excellent work, Space Coyote, and thanks again for creating such a great character for us to draw! ^_^

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